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Evil Influence Quest » Killing Undead Creatures In Drakensang Online

Evil Influence is a quest in Drakensang Online and it has 5 parts that involves mostly killing Undead Dreatures and talking with Non-Player Characters.

Evil Influence Quest » Killing Undead Creatures In Drakensang Online

The Evil Influence Quest was a quest given by Master Vithrandir in Grimford and it happened after my Dragonknight completed the Allies In Grimford Quest that only had 1 part and was easily completed.

The first part of the Evil Influence Quest had my Dragonknight speaking with the Village Bailiff named Hoyt who was at the Swerdfield Pastures.

My Dragonknight learned the dead were rising in Swerdfield Pastures and they were attacking everyone. This attack made the farmers leave the area and were forced to live on the streets.

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Village Bailiff Hoyt asked my Dragonknight to burn and defeat some of these Undead Creatures. My Dragonknight did what was asked of him and burnt and killed the requested number of Undead Creatures at Swerdfield Pasture in Drakensang Online.

The next thing my Dragonknight did was, he went to speak with Private Bailee who was at the Gates Of Kingshill about getting some reinforcements but my Dragonknight learned noone was coming because almost everyone were killed already by the Undead Creatures.

To help Private Bailee, my Dragonknight went and killed Undead Creatures that were lurking at the Old Cemetery. Killing the Undead Creatures at the Old Cemetery made Private Bailee very happy in Drakensang Online.

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