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Crossfire PH Screen Resolutions

Crossfire Graphics Settings

When I play games, the first thing that I always do is adjust the settings of the game's graphics. Even though my current computer can handle high graphics settings, I always set mine to medium because it increases performance.

Higher performance means higher framerate, less to no video lag and overall better gaming experience. Yes, setting graphics to high or ultra will give me better visuals but, what can I do, I prefer performance than graphics quality.

Crossfire Has Limited Screen Resolutions

One of the graphics settings that I like to change is the game's screen resolution. When I'm playing any game, I like to set my screen resolution to 1280x720. For some reason, my computer displays games better at 1280x720 screen resolution.

Unfortunately, Crossfire has very limited options when it comes to screen resolutions. The only thing that works for me are the following:
  • 800x600
  • 1024x768 and
  • 1280x800 (wide)
I tried all three screen resolutions but all of them stretched the display to fill the entire screen. Because of that, playing the game felt awkward. Setting the screen resolution to 1280x800 also didn't display the game correctly. It was too wide with black borders appearing on top and bottom of the display.

Fixing Crossfire's Screen Resolution Problem

As of this writing, I still haven't found any fix or solution to this particular problem. My Google search resulted to nothing and that means I'm stuck with the 1024x768 screen resolution. Well, the display will look bad but, at least, it's playable.

Now, if anyone of you have a fix or solution to this problem then please share your solution by commenting about it below.

By the way, to learn more about Crossfire Philippines, please click here.

Just As Good As Crossfire

If you love playing Crossfire then why not try one of the best multiplayer online first-person-shooter today, Blacklight: Retribution. This game has mind blowing graphics. The maps are very creative and challenging. The game modes are plenty.

Best of all, you can customize everything about your character and your weapons. From your character's helmet to your character's boots and from your weapon's muzzle, barrel and scope to its receiver, magazine and stock. You can customize them all.

Blacklight: Retribution is also Free-To-Play and you can learn more about it at

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