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Barony, I just bought the game from IndieGameStand.

Barony, I just bought the game from IndieGameStand.

Barony, I just bought the game from IndieGameStand.

Barony is a 3D First-Person Roguelike game inspired by RPG classics like Ultima Underworld, System Shock and Daggerfall.

As a Roguelike game, Barony has perma-death, random dungeons, cryptic message and others. It also supports cooperative multiplayer for up to 4 players over the internet or LAN.

Anyway, I'm not really into Roguelike games but I still bought it because it looks interesting and it's currently on sale at IndieGameStand. Just pay whatever you want for it and you'll get it.

So, go to IndieGameStand, check out Barony and if you like it then Pay What You Want for it.

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