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Blacklight: Retribution's Latest Patch Takes Forever To Download

Blacklight: Retribution recently had an update. I'm not sure when they released it but, when I tried to patch my copy of the game, the launcher was downloading the update at an extremely slow speed. I left it downloading for 30 minutes but the amount of data it was able to download was only 0.03%.

I didn't know what the actual download speed was but 0.03% in 30 minutes is beyond slow. I cancelled it and tried again but the result was the same. My launcher's patch progress bar wasn't moving and I didn't think it would. So, I cancelled it again and closed my launcher.

I went to the official forum to see what's going on with this ridiculously slow patch and I wasn't the only one who experienced it. Unfortunately, the developers of Blacklight: Retribution didn't release a manual patch for this particular update which kinda sucks because a manual patch would have been very helpful.

In any case, I followed one of the suggestions posted in the forum and that is to uninstall, re-download the latest full release and re-install Blacklight: Retribution. Since my copy of the game runs in STEAM, I simply uninstalled and re-installed the game.

Re-installing Blacklight: Retribution took many hours but it was still faster than trying to patch it through the launcher. Having to uninstall, re-download and re-install the game to make it work was kinda extreme but it was the only way I could patch or update my copy of Blacklight: Retribution.

Anyway, if you are having problems patching your copy of Blacklight: Retribution then why not try re-installing it using the latest full release. It may take a while but, at least, it will not take forever. LOL!

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  1. One of my friend experience this kind of slow down loading on her net cafe now. I will share your post to her so that she will know or maybe tell her technician to do some re-installing. Thanks for this sir.

  2. Sometimes, reinstalling is better than waiting for some kinks to be ironed out. Happy Gaming!

  3. Mga online talaga problema yan. Kaya di ako nag lalaro ng online.

  4. My cousin is so addicted to this game. Until now, I stiill havent had the interest in these. Haha!

  5. Re-installs are the best ways to fix update problems, but they can be the most painful if you've got a lot of data already. I'd rather not update my Skyrim rather than re-install it!

  6. I am not a fan of this kind of games.. But my two brothers are! Even up to now that they're in their mid-20s and late 20s they still love playing these kind of stuffs..

  7. Wow thanks for posting this! I'll try this game soon! Having this kind of problem really sucks. I happened to be an owner of computer shop so I know what you feel. :P

  8. If there will be a torrent download, I think it can be much more faster. I experience the same thing with some of the FPS games I am playing.

  9. Reinstalling is always the better way :) Hope I am as patient as others who will really wait hours or even days just to download a game...

  10. 0.03% in 30 minutes?!?! That's just crazy!

    I'm not really familiar with the game, but I hope that you didn't lose any of your saved progress there. I've seen it happen to my brother. Not fun at all.

  11. I'm not a hardcore gamer; but I know how addicting online games can be. I'm trying so hard not to be hooked on Hayday, for instance! Nyahah!

  12. Yeah, i know the feeling of waiting of what seems to be forever in installing and specially downloading huge file stuff. Good thing you survived the venture into installing this game :)

  13. just when I found pinoy players online and that Im getting 8 kills from 2 kills... they make a damn patch that takes forever. Same thing happens on my end..

    ive tried downloading the updated install torrent.

    ive also tried installing a fresh game from steam

    no avail patching takes forever

    tsk tsk

    1. when I re-installed the game in STEAM, the patched went through faster...

    2. True 2 mins to me was 4 percent

  14. i've had this as well, then later on my patcher couldn't patch, so i'm reinstalling the game.
    im here because it's taking approximatly 50 hours in total. so yeah.. :C

  15. Well, my internet is absolutely shit because it took me over 7 hours to download Blacklight. I'm not doing that for a game. Developers need to make a solution. I'm pissed! >:(

  16. I was at 5.6 percent in 3 min i got a good computer still nothing happend

  17. I got the latest version on steam (It is may 2013 now) and I still have a massive patch. I literally got the game this afternoon. Should I download it again? I only downloaded it this morning.

  18. this game is awesome the wait is worth it

  19. in 35 minutes i had 4.8% that still really bad so i'm going to reinstall the game an see if that works

  20. to pe about 5 minutes i had 23% :)

  21. 0.2% in 40 minutes.....super super super very very very extreme slow T T


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