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Hearthstone - Heroes Of Warcraft - Downloaded & Installed The Android Version From Google Play

Hearthstone - Heroes Of Warcraft, I just downloaded and installed the Android version from Google Play.

Hearthstone - Heroes Of Warcraft - Downloaded & Installed The Android Version From Google Play

I did play the PC version of Hearthstone Heroes Of Warcraft but only a few times because I was not really good at it but I have this feeling that I will be able to play it more this time.

For those of you who don't know, Blizzard just released Hearthstone Heroes Of Warcraft in App Store and in Google Play.

I don't have an iOS device but I do have an Android device and I just downloaded and installed Hearthstone Heroes Of Warcraft from Google Play.

I have not played it but from what I have read from various online sources, the Android version of Hearthstone Heroes Of Warcraft looks and feels basically the same.

Blizzard did do a few tweaks on the User Interface to keep it uncluttered and more effective. Anyway, I have yet to see it but I am sure that it will not affect how I play the game.

Oh, by the way guys, the size of Hearthstone Heroes Of Warcraft when I downloaded it in Google Play was 611MB. So, make sure you guys have enough space on your Android device.

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