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My Snakes N' Ladders Island At 7Seas Fall Fishing Festival 2013

A couple of weeks ago, Jen Shikami of 7Seas Fishing Game gave me an Application Notecard for this year's 7Seas Fall Fishing Festival. I haven't been very active when it comes to anything related to 7Seas but I still accepted the Application Notecard, filled it up and sent it back to Jen Shikami.

The theme of this year's 7Seas Fall Fishing Festival is "board games". The first idea that entered my head was to create a display island based on the game of Chess. The only reason why I didn't go with that initial idea was the fact that other creators will definitely think that way too.

The next thing that popped into my head was Snakes N' Ladders. I remember playing it when I was a kid and it was a lot of fun for what it was.

Two days prior to the opening of the festival, I went to my work area which is located at PickleSong in Second Life. The owner of PickleSong, Mossflower Schumann, was kind enough to let me have a work area in his region. Thanks Moss, you're AWESOME!

Check out PickleSong in Second Life. It's an amazing place to visit.

After spending a few hours working in my work area, my display island for the 7Seas Fall Fishing Festival was finished. The design was based on Snakes N' Ladders and that is the reason why I called it Snakes N' Ladders Island.

Anyway, if you want to see my Snakes N' Ladders Island personally, as well as the other display islands that were created by other people, then drop what you're doing and go to the festival today. You'l find my display island is in Ruthenium,

Here are some screenshots of my display island in the ongoing 7Seas Fall Fishing Festival.

The 7Seas Fall Fishing Festival is an event happening in Second Life. To be a part of this event, you must be a member of Second Life and has an installed copy of the Second Life program. To sign-up for a free Second Life account and to download Second Life, click this link » Second Life.

FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.

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