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Godsrule Free-To-Play Online RTS Game, My Quick Look

Godsrule Free-To-Play

I play a lot of games from across different genres and one of them is Real-Time Strategy or RTS. I don't play many RTS games but I do play them when given the chance to play a really good one. Speaking of good RTS games, I came across one that I think is good enough to play and it's called Godsrule Free-To-Play.

It's not a new game because it's been out for a while now but I just recently discovered it. I played it for an hour, more or less, and I kinda enjoyed it. I like it's simplicity and it's very easy to get into. It also has that Facebook Game feel to it which will definitely appeal to those players who love playing Facebook Games.

It's Played In Your Browser

One thing that I really liked about Godsrule Free-To-Play is the fact that it's browser-based. I didn't have to download and/or install anything. I just opened the game on my web browser and the game loaded.

Of course, if my web browsers didn't have the Flash Player plugin installed then I would need to install it because Godsrule Free-To-Play runs on Flash.

Installing the Flash Player plugin is not a big issue because it's a very small download. Besides, most modern browsers today are already Flash ready.

Easy Game To Play

Godsrule Free-To-Play is very easy to play. The tutorial phase of the game was excellent because it went through everything that I needed to learn to play the game properly. From building units and structures to combat, the tutorial got me through almost everything.

Godsrule Free-To-Play is also very simple. After the tutorial phase, I was able to continue playing it without any problems. Of course, I'm still at the early stages of the game. I still don't know what will happen in the later stages.

Looking For An RTS To Play Casually?

If you are looking for a free-to-play online RTS that you can play casually in your web browsers then I suggest you try Godsrule Free-To-Play. The YouTube video below will kinda give you a quick look and an idea on how the game is played.

To start playing Godsrule Free-To-Play, click here!

FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.

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