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Soulja Boy Game Console and other SouljaGame Devices GONE!

Soulja Boy Game Console and other Soulja Game Devices GONE!

Soulja Boy Game Console and other SouljaGame Devices GONE!

Checking Soulja Boy's website, gaming devices under his SouljaGame brand like the SouljaGame Console, SouljaGame Handheld, SouljaGame Fuze and Retro Soulja Boy Mini are no longer listed for sale.

Soulja Boy said in a tweet that the games in his SouljaGame devices were all licensed. If that was the case then why remove them. If he has a licensed to all of them then he should just continue selling them, right?

Anyway, Soulja Boy's SouljaGame Consoles and other devices are no longer listed for sale in his website. Either Nintendo sent him a message from their lawyers or he realized what he was doing and took them down.

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