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Skyrim NPCs Can Now Say Your Name (Gaming / Skyrim SE Mod)

Skyrim NPCs Can Now Say Your Name

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Skyrim NPCs Can Now Say Your Name

In Skyrim, NPCs in the game calls your character the Dragonborn or Dragonborn even though you gave your character a name when you created your character at the start of the game. Of course, having the name Dragonborn is an honor because it means you're a hero who will save everyone from the evil dragons.

If everyone in Skyrim just calls you Dragonborn then what's the point of having a name? It's actually pointless because no one in Skyrim calls you by your name but that will change today thanks to a Skyrim Mod called "Say My Name".

With the Say My Name Skyrim Mod, NPCs in the game will finally call you or refer to you by your character name thus freeing you from the curse of the Dragonborn that has afflicted all Dragonborns that arrived in Skyrim for many years.

The Skyrim Mod, Say My Name, is free to download from NexusMods and there is an instruction video on how to install it on your Skyrim game.

Unfortunately, the mod is only for those playing Skyrim Special Edition. If you are playing Skyrim Legendary Edition then you'll have to wait for a backport of the mod and that might not even happen but, who knows, maybe someone is already working on it right now.




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