RWA / Rogue Wrestling Alliance Said Goodbye (〒﹏〒) THANK YOU RWA
I was very sad when my computer died last November 2020 because it meant I won't be able to do a lot of things like live streaming RWA or Rogue Wrestling Alliance wrestling every week in Second Life.
As a casual fan, I am aware that my live stream or coverage of RWA or Rogue Wrestling Alliance is not very good but I do enjoy doing it and I have never received any complaints from Rogue Wrestling Alliance.
I did receive very kind words from Rogue Wrestling Alliance and it's wrestlers and those kind words inspired me to keep on live streaming and covering their weekly shows and wrestling events.
I don't know when I'll have a new computer but, one thing I do know is this, I was very much looking forward to live streaming Rogue Wrestling Alliance again on my youtube channel.
Sadly, I might not have a chance to live stream Rogue Wrestling Alliance wrestling shows and wrestling events anymore because they recently said goodbye to everyone in Second Life.
Indeed, it was a sad day for everyone in the second life wrestling community and I'm sure many, if not all, of the wrestlers in Rogue Wrestling Alliance will find new wrestling organizations to call home but nothing can ever replace a wrestling family like Rogue Wrestling Alliance.
Honestly, I'm not really good at expressing comforting words but i am truly truly sad to learn about the closure of rogue wrestling alliance because it felt like i was losing, not just a friend, but a very close friend.
Finally, I'll use this chance to say, thank you very much to Rogue Wrestling Alliance for giving us wonderful wrestling moments and for allowing me to share those wonderful moments to everyone.
Again, thank you to Rogue Wrestling Alliance and to everyone who wrestled in a Rogue Wrestling Alliance ring.
Thank you for the moments and thank you for the memories.
FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.
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