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Let's Play Toram Online Mobile [Episode 2] FIGHT THE EERIE CRYSTAL

Let's Play Toram Online Mobile [Episode 2] FIGHT THE EERIE CRYSTAL

Toram Online Mobile is free-to-play non-autoplay mobile fantasy mmorpg from Asobimo. Toram Online is also the sequel to another Asobimo fantasy mmorpg callef Iruna Online which is also available in mobile.

In this Toram Online Mobile gameplay, my blade user continued with his quest. He was level 20 when he started.

Outside the walls of Sofya, my blade user encountered all kinds of low level monsters like night mushrooms, piedra, wooly, hound and others.

At the Dragon's Den, my blade user had a battle with a boss named Eerie Crystal. It was called a Dragon's Den but there was no dragon anywhere.

The battle against the Eerie Crystal did not end quickly. It took my blade user quite a while to defeat the big bad boss. After the battle, my blade user went back to Sofya to report what happened.

You too can play Toram Online Mobile on your mobile devices for free. you can also play Toram Online Mobile on your computer using an Android Emulator like LDPlay. Download for free (

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