TOP 5 Moments in AEW Dynamite's Inner Circle vs Kenny Omega / Damascus Street Fight

Well, this is not gaming related but, besides playing games, watching animes, reading mangas and watching superhero movies, I'm also a pro-wrestling viewer and the only real world pro-wrestling show I watch every week is AEW Dynamite.
Let's get right into the point. This week's episode of AEW DYNAMITE was LIVE and the main event Street Fight match between the Inner Circle or LeSexGods, Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevarra, and Kenny Omega and his partner Damascus was SUPER FUN.
Anyway, here are my TOP 5 Most Wonderful Moments from the Street Fight between the Inner Circle and Kenny Omega and Damascus in this week's episode of AEW Dynamite.
Let's start with my number 5 and it's Kenny Omega power slamming Sammy Guevarra on a steel gate. I just love how the referee sold the bump more than Sammy Guevarra. Sammy Guevarra is great in selling but I thought the referee did a better job in selling it.
Kenny Omega (@KennyOmegamanX) power slammed Sammy Guevarra (@sammyguevarra) on the steel gate. OUCH! #AEW #AEWDynamite @AEWrestling— visit KABALYERO.INFO 🇵🇭🎮🕹️⚡👌 (@kabalyero) May 8, 2020
My number 4 moment is V1 Matt Hardy doing a splash dive from a ladder on Sammy Guevarra while on a table. I was never a fan of V1 Matt Hardy because I liked him more in a tag team with his brother Jeff Hardy but Broken Matt Hardy transforming to V1 Matt Hardy LIVE on TV and doing a classic ladder spot was just too good to ignore.
V1 Matt Hardy (@MATTHARDYBRAND) on the ladder and splashing down on Sammy Guevarra (@sammyguevara) on the table. #AEW #AEWDynamite @AEWrestling— visit KABALYERO.INFO 🇵🇭🎮🕹️⚡👌 (@kabalyero) May 8, 2020
My number 3 wonderful moment in this week's AEW Dynamite Street Fight is none other than V1 Matt Hardy transforming back into Broken Matt Hardy Damascus from inside an ice box. How did Matt Hardy do that inside an ice box? I'm telling you now, it's freaking magic.
Broken Matt Hardy aka DAMASCUS (@MATTHARDYBRAND) emerges from ICE. #AEW #AEWDynamite @AEWrestling— visit KABALYERO.INFO 🇵🇭🎮🕹️⚡👌 (@kabalyero) May 8, 2020
Next is my number 2 moment and it's Kenny Omega's moonsault off the scissor lift and he landed perfectly on Jake Hager, Damascus and Chris Jericho. It was a very dangerous spot but Kenny Omega executed a very smooth, fluid and almost perfect moonsault.
Kenny Omega (@KennyOmegamanX) showing Charlotte Flair how to execute a proper moonsault. #AEW #AEWDynamite @AEWrestling— visit KABALYERO.INFO 🇵🇭🎮🕹️⚡👌 (@kabalyero) May 8, 2020
Now, my number 1 moment from the Street Fight is Kenny Omega and Damascus running down Sammy Guevarra in a big golf cart. Damascus was driving and Kenny Omega was leaning outside pointing towards Sammy Guevarra who was running for his safety. Sammy Guevarra took the Golf Cart bump like a freaking CHAMP.
DAMASCUS (@MATTHARDYBRAND) and Kenny Omega (@KennyOmegamanX) with a HIT and RUN on Sammy Guevarra (@sammyguevara) with a giant cart. #AEW #AEWDynamite @AEWrestling— visit KABALYERO.INFO 🇵🇭🎮🕹️⚡👌 (@kabalyero) May 8, 2020
So guys, those are my TOP 5 Moments in this week's AEW Dynamite Street Fight match between the Inner Circle, Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevarra and Kenny Omega and Broken Matt Hardy Damascus.
Have you guys watched this week's episode of AEW Dynamite? If you have then what where your TOP 5 moments from the show? Post your answers as well as your comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below.
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