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Popular MMORPG Website Helps Shroud of the Avatar Sell $7,000 US Dollar Bundles

Popular MMORPG Website Helps Shroud of the Avatar Sell $7,000 US Dollar Bundles

Shroud of the Avatar is a rich man's game specially if you want all the good things like owning your own town or owning your own castle in your own town because they cost hundreds to thousands of US Dollars.

Fortunately for Shroud of the Avatar, selling high valued items is not a problem specially when they are helped by a popular MMORPG website.

Recently, a popular MMORPG website posted a story promoting Shroud of the Avatar's $7,000 US Dollar Lord of the Isle: Episode 2 Bundle. It was a very short story and it was obviously posted to help Shroud of the Avatar sell the very expensive bundle.

The post was made by a supposedly highly opinionated avid PC gamer but, if you read the post, it was NOT an opinion piece. It was a marketing post meant to sell $7,000 US Dollars worth of Shroud of the Avatar bundles that, for some reason, are still being sold in Shroud of the Avatar's website.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure if anyone is going to buy any of these super expensive Shroud of the Avatar Lord of the Isle: Episode 2 bundles based on the comments posted by the website readers in the comments section.

Anyway, if anyone is going to buy any of these super expensive Shroud of the Avatar bundles then I'm not going to stop them or tell them not to because it's their freaking money and they can spend it on anything they want even on Shroud of the Avatar.

I'm just surprised by the post in the popular MMORPG website because information about the Shroud of the Avatar Lord of the Isle: Episode 2 bundles are NOT exactly new. It has existed and advertised for more than a year already in Shroud of the Avatar's website.

So guys, do any of you think anyone will buy any of these Shroud of the Avatar Lord of the Isle Episode 2 bundles? Post your answers as well as your comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below.

FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.

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