ELDER SCROLLS V: SKYRIM (Hour 1, 2 & 3) * Dragon Attacked Helgen and the Golden Claw!

In this Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim gameplay, I started from the beginning where my skyrim character was a prisoner in Helgen. He was also about to get his head chopped off when a skyrim dragon appeared and burned everything down to the ground.
My skyrim character escaped by following a skyrim npc named Hadvar. They escaped through the keep that was connected to a cave that leads outside of Helgen. It was not an easy escape because my skyrim character and Hadvar had to fight through skyrim imperial soldiers and other creatures to escape.
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Outside the cave, my skyrim character traveled to the skyrim town of Riverwood. He spoke with the skyrim blacksmith named Alvor about the skyrim dragon attack of Helgen. My skyrim character left and traveled to the skyrim town of Whiterun to speak to the skyrim npc and skyrim jarl of whiterun named Balgruf.
In the skyrim town of Whiterun, my skyrim character spoke with the skyrim jarl of Whiterun, Balgruf. Learning of what happened to the skyrim town of Helgen, the skyrim jarl Balgruf introduced my skyrim character to a skyrim mage named Farengar.
Speaking with skyrim mage Farengar, my skyrim character received a skyrim quest to find and retrieve a skyrim quest item call the Dragonstone. The skyrim quest item Dragonstone was located inside a skyrim dungeon called Bleak Falls Barrow.
Before leaving for Bleak Falls Barrow, my skyrim character went to the skyrim blacksmith in Whiterun to buy some skyrim equipment and he bought them from skyrim blacksmith Adrianne Avenicci.
My skyrim character traveled back to the skyrim town of Riverwood and from there traveled to where the skyrim dungeon of Bleak Falls Barrow was located. My skyrim character had to fight a group of skyrim bandits before he could enter the skyrim dungeon.
Inside the skyrim dungeon of Bleak Falls Barrow, my skyrim character fought skyrim bandits, skyrim draugrs and even retrieved a skyrim dragonclaw from a skyrim npc named Arvel the Swift.
Using the skyrim quest item gold dragonclaw, my skyrim character opened the locked door and fought the draugr overlord. He also received a skyrim word of power and retrieved the skyrim quest item dragonstone.
My skyrim character went back to the skyrim town of Whiterun, delivered the skyrim quest item dragonstone to Farengar, spoke with the skyrim jarl Balgruf and, before meeting the skyrim npc Irileth, my skyrim character went back to the skyrim town of Riverwood to return the skyrim quest item gold dragonclaw to the skyrim npc named Lucan Valerius.
Still in the skyrim town of Riverwood, my skyrim character received a skyrim quest from a skyrim innkeeper. It was to eliminate skyrim bandits located at the skyrim bandit camp called Halted Stream Camp.
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