LEGENDS OF ARIA Gameplay (Hour 11) Chopping Trees, New Order and HORSE!

In this Legends of Aria gameplay, my Legends of Aria avatar started by opening his Legends of Aria bank and by checking his current Legends of Aria quest. The quest was to deliver 15 wooden crates to the Legends of Aria woodsmith in the Legends of Aria town of Pyros.
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From the Legends of Aria banker, my Legends of Aria avatar went to the Legends of Aria woodsmith named Joshua and got a new Legends of Aria order to craft 52 wooden crates. Completing crafting orders take a lot of time but it's currently the only way I know of making money in Legends of Aria.
Outside the Legends of Aria city of Valus, I went to buy a horse from the Legends of Aria stable master named Indiana for 500 gold. Next I bought a Legends of Aria leather saddle for 125 gold and used it on my Legends of Aria horse. Now, I can summon my horse anytime I want to take a ride on it.
After all that, my Legends of Aria avatar started with his Legends of Aria job and that was to harvest wood by chopping down trees. As always, my Legends of Aria avatar chopped down trees, craft wooden boards and craft wooden crates for an hour.
My Legends of Aria avatar also fought and defeated Legends of Aria coyotes because they would attack him from time to time while chopping down trees. He fought with a Legends of Aria bow and arrow. In other words, my Legends of Aria avatar is an archer too.
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