ARCFALL (Hour 1) • New Character, Tutorial Quests and Starting Area!
In this one hour Arcfall gameplay, I already created my Arcfall character when I started playing Arcfall and, thus, I actually started in the starting town of Arcfall. My Arcfall character appeared at the docks of the Arcfall starting town.
While on the docks, my Arcfall character spoke with an Arcfall NPC named Norman who gave my Arcfall character an Arcfall quest to gather stones and logs from crates scattered around the beach or shore of the starting town.
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The next Arcfall quest my Arcfall character received from Norman was to speak to another Arcfall NPC named Anglo the Merc who was also somewhere on the docs of the Arcfall starting town.
Completing the quest rewarded my Arcfall character with an old shirt. I equipped the old shirt from the Arcfall quest and also equipped a wooden sword.
Speaking with the Arcfall NPC Anglo the Merc, he gave my Arcfall character a new quest and it was to deliver a key to Jack the Banker. Completing this Arcfall quest will reward my Arcfall character with a pair of old pants.
When the Arcfall quest was completed, Jack the Banker rewarded my Arcfall character with a pair of old pants. I equipped the old pants and got out of the Arcfall bank.
Outside the Arcfall bank, I spoke with an Arcfall NPC named Saxon and received an Arcfall quest to speak with Boris, an Arcfall blacksmith found in the Arcfall starting area.
I spoke with the Arcfall NPC named Boris to complete the Arcfall quest from Saxon and received a new Arcfall quest to craft a wooden axe. Completing the Arcfall quest will reward me with a wooden axe.
Before I can craft an Arcfall wooden axe, I bought an Arcfall blueprint from the Arcfall Blacksmith Apprentice NPC but, before that, I had to fight a few Arcfall sheep.
When I spoke with the Arcfall NPC named Johnson, he gave my Arcfall character a quest to hunt and defeat some sheeps which I completed in advance. After that, my Arcfall character received a new Arcfall quest and it was to deliver a bunch of wool to an Arcfall NPC named Jordan.
Next, I went back to the Arcfall Blacksmith Apprentice NPC and bought the Arcfall blueprints I need to craft the items asked by the Boris. The Arcfall blueprints that I bought were Metal Scraps and Wooden Sword.
My Arcfall character learned by Arcfall blueprints when I right clicked on them but my Arcfall character needed more cyper logs before he can craft anything. So, I took my Arcfall character back on the beach and collected cyper logs and stones from the scattered crates.
Getting back to town, my Arcfall character spoke with the Arcfall Cook Chef and bought an Arcfall blueprint for cooking. I right clicked on the Arcfall blueprint and my Arcfall character learned the new Arcfall skill.
Back at the Arcfall blacksmith, my Arcfall character used an Arcfall crafting station to craft an Arcfall wooden axe but the Arcfall blacksmith would not accept the crafted item. So, my Arcfall character went back to the beach to gather more stones and cyper logs.
On the Arcfall beach, I thought it would be fun to kill some Arcfall chickens. So, my Arcfall character unsheathed his Arcfall wooden sword and hunted a few Arcfall chickens. My Arcfall character also gathered Arcfall metal pebbles from the beach.
At the Arcfall blacksmith, my Arcfall character used the Arcfall crafting tool to craft some Arcfall metal scraps but my Arcfall character ran out of Arcfall metal pebbles. So, my Arcfall character went back to the Arcfall beach to gather more Arcfall metal pebbles.
After collecting enough Arcfall materials, I went back to the Arcfall blacksmith and crafted another Arcfall wooden axe and more Arcfall metal scraps. After my Arcfall crafting, I spoke with Arcfall NPC Boris and completed two Arcfall quests.
My Arcfall character then started crafting Arcfall wooden swords for the last Arcfall quest from the Arcfall blacksmith but my Arcfall character needed more Arcfall materials. So, it was back to the Arcfall beach to gather cyper logs, stones and other materials.
When my Arcfall character became overweight with Arcfall items, I reduced the weight of all the items my Arcfall character was carrying by dropping one of the Arcfall wooden axes.
At the Arcfall blacksmith again, my Arcfall character crafted more Arcfall metal scraps to complete the Arcfall quest connected with the item. My Arcfall character also sold items to the Arcfall Blacksmith Apprentice to gain some Arcfall money or Arcfall currency.
At the Arcfall tailor, my Arcfall character bought an Arcfall blueprint, learned the Arcfall blueprint and crafted an Arcfall strings. After that, my Arcfall character went out to hunt down sheeps for Arcfall tailoring materials.
After acquiring some Arcfall crafting materials, my Arcfall character went back to the Arcfall tailor, completed crafting the needed Arcfall strings and completed the Arcfall quest from the Arcfall NPC Jordan. My Arcfall character received an Arcfall simple shirt and it was better than the Arcfall old shirt.
At the docks, my Arcfall character searched and found Arcfall NPC Johnson and delivered the items. Completing the Arcfall delivery quest, rewarded my Arcfall character with a pair of Arcfall simple pants. Arcfall NPC Johnson then gave my Arcfall character with a new Arcfall quest and it was to speak to Arcfall NPC Roden Brisshire Guard.
The hour was almost over and, before ending the gameplay, my Arcfall character went to the Arcfall bank and stored some items.
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