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Super Bernie World Gameplay by Kabalyero! Socialist Using Coins To BUY Votes! LOL!

Super Bernie World Gameplay by Kabalyero! Socialist Using Coins To BUY Votes! LOL!
Super Bernie World Gameplay by Kabalyero! Socialist Using Coins To BUY Votes! LOL!

Super Bernie World Gameplay by Kabalyero! This is a very very political Super Mario clone featuring the Socialist, Bernie Sanders, in the role of Mario. The game is currently available for free in STEAM.

I played the game for less than an hour. I got to World 4 but my hands got tired and that made me stop playing. I got tired quickly because I'm no longer used to using a Game Controller or Gamepad when playing games.

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Of course, I will not play the game without game controllers because using a game controller is much easier than using the keyboard. Still, it did not change the fact my hands got tired from playing.

#superbernieworld #socialistmario #supermario

Sadly, I'm not really interested in American Politics but it was fun playing the game while making fun of it like calling Bernie Sanders as the Socialist, the Hand powerup as the Hand of Anarchy and others.

Anyway, I learned a few things about politics in general while playing the game and one of those things is the fact that politicians anywhere in the world use money, or in this case coins, to buy votes.

► Bernie Sanders Guide to Political Revolution - (Hardcover)

See my Super Bernie World gameplay video, give it a like, share it to your friends and subscribe to my YouTube Channel. Every little bit helps. Thank you.

P.S. I just realized the comments I made while playing the game will and might offend fans / followers / worshipers of Bernie Sanders. I can already feel the Dislikes pouring in. LOL!


Run and jump your way across 11 states and the District of Columbia as Bernie and free the USA from the clutches of four Republicans in their castle lairs. Find power ups like Vermont cheddar cheese, red roses, and the power of "Not Me. Us" to overcome obstacles such as walking red hats, Mitch troopas, and tiki torch throwers.

FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.

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