Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, in my recent adventure in Skyrim in 2020, I completed a quest involving stealing a letter from Lod's house. The quest was commissioned by the former Jarl of Falkreath because of some suspicion about wrong doing or something like that.
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When I got to Lod's house, I knocked but no one was at home. I found Lod working in his forge and even had a talk with him. After talking with Lod, I went back to his house and forced my way inside.
Unfortunately, someone saw what I did and a Falkreath Guard came inside the house. The guard was hostile and that triggered my followers to attack him. In the end, the guard died and I became a criminal in Falkreath.
I did get the letter in Lod's house and gave it to the former Jarl of Falkreath but the letter was nothing but a simple letter ordering iron ores. The former Jarl dismissed it like nothing happened even though a Falkreath Guard died because of it.
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