SKYRIM 2020 Gameplay! Halted Stream Camp, Dragon Attack & Lake View Manor!
While traveling to a quest location, I discovered the Honningbrew Meadary along the way. The quest location was the Halted Stream Camp and I was welcomed by a group of bandits who all died in the hands of my follower. LOL!
💰 Elder Scrolls V: SKYRIM ►
The leader of the bandit group also known as the Bandit Chief died inside the cave or mine of Halted Stream Camp. I looted everything worth taking including a few mammoth's tusks and mammoth's snout. I also did a little iron and corundum ore mining.
Halted Stream Camp |
At Whiterun, I reported back to Proventus Avenicci to complete the quest and talked to the Jarl of Whiterun about the dragon attack that happened in Helgen as per Gerdur's instructions.
The Jarl of Whiterun introduced me to Farengar who gave me a quest to retrieve the Dragon Stone but I already have the Dragon Stone. I gave the Dragon Stone to Farengar to complete the quest and got no rewards. I guess because I did not asked for any.
A Dragon appeared in Whiterun and the Jarl wanted me to go with Irileth and her Whiterun Soldiers to help them fight the dragon. Before that, I went back home to Lakeview Manor, set Lakeview Manor as my follower's new home and dismissed her.
A dragon appeared from the sky and started attacking. |
I went back to Whiterun, met up with Irileth and her Whiterun Soldiers. The Dragon appeared from the sky and started attacking. I fought back with my bow and arrow until the Dragon fell down and died. I looted everything the Dragon has and absorbed its soul.
The Whiterun Soldiers called me a Dragonborn and asked me to do a SHOUT which I did. I left the area and went back to Whiterun to report what happened to the Jarl to complete the quest.
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