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Portalarium Not Going Bankrupt - Lord British • Shroud of the Avatar News

Portalarium Not Going Bankrupt - Lord British  • Shroud of the Avatar News

Portalarium Inc. sold Shroud of the Avatar to Catnip Games LLC. Why? Is Portalarium Inc. going bankrupt? Not according to a Shroud of the Avatar Player and Player Owned Town Governor.

According to a post by Duke Ezekiel Cooper of Britannian Mining Company and I quote, "I was with LB, while he was unlocking the gate to the estate, and I asked him point blank if Portalarium was about to go bankrupt. His immediate response was, "Absolutely not!"".

Portalarium Not Going Bankrupt - Lord British  • Shroud of the Avatar News

So, there you go guys! Straight from Lord British himself as posted by Duke Ezekiel Cooper, a Portalarium Investor with 1001 shares. Portalarium is not going bankrupt.

For more details on what was posted by Duke Ezekiel Cooper, see the post in Shroud of the Avatar's forum. The link is in the description of this video.

So guys, what do you think of what Lord British said about Portalarium not going bankrupt? Post your answers as well as your comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below.

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