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Physical Book Not Coming and Backers are HAPPY with the Replacements • Shroud of the Avatar News

Physical Book Not Coming and Backers are HAPPY with the Replacements • Shroud of the Avatar News

I'd gladly pay you Tuesday for a Hamburger today! Well, If that line worked for Wimpy then it will surely work for Shroud of the Avatar and, I guess, it's working perfectly.

In a post made by a Shroud of the Avatar developer in the official Shroud of the Avatar forum, it was announced that the Physical Copy of the book titled Sword of Midras (or Blade of the Avatar) will no longer be delivered to backers.

Physical Copy of the Sword of Midras Novel is no longer coming!

Instead, the Physical Copy of the book will be replaced by Unique In-game Rewards like the Challenge Dungeon Remote Dungeon Entrance for Patron Level Backers.

For Citizen Level Backers and higher, they will receive the Sword of Midras Library which is a unique dungeon room filled with books and the Sword of Midras Magical Printing Press.

Sword of Midras Library

Sword of Midras Magical Printing Press

Based on the replies or posts made by those affected by this sudden change, most are more than happy to accept the replacements. I guess, in a way, it's better than not getting anything.

Shroud of the Avatar players are happy with the replacements.

Of course, some are upset and one player is even worried about getting banned for expressing his displeasure about this sudden change in Kickstarter Backer Reward.

Some Shroud of the Avatar players are upset and are afraid of getting banned for expressing themselves.

So guys, should Catnip Games LLC deliver what was promised to backers? Or should backers just shut up and accept what was given? Post your answers as well as your comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below.

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