City Of Heroes, Now Has 6 Private Servers!

NCSoft closed the official City of Heroes servers 6 or 7 years ago but, in just a span of a few weeks in 2019, there are now a total of 6 City of Heroes Private Servers.
There have been a lot of drama surrounding the recent resurgence of City of Heroes and it had split the City of Heroes community into different groups and they all want to run their own City of Heroes private server.
As of the writing and recording of these short video, there are a total of 6 City of Heroes Private Servers that are available to anyone who is interested in playing City of Heroes again and, as far as I know, playing in any of the 6 City of Heroes Private Servers is FREE.
The most popular and populated of these 6 City of Heroes Private Servers is City of Heroes Homecoming with thousands of players playing. In fact, its most number of concurrent players recently reached 7,950. It was just 50 less of 8,000 players. That's how big City of Heroes Homecoming is as a Private Server.
The other City of Heroes Private Servers are not as populated but, what they do is, they give you an alternative. For example, if you don't want to play in a populated server or just want to try out any of the other City of Heroes Private Servers then you can easily do just that.
With the current 6 City of Heroes Private ServerS (which I'm sure more will appear in the near future), switching from Server to Server is not that difficult.
All you have to do is download Tequila or Creamsoda or the other one which I forgot the name and use the manifest xml file provided by ThunderSpy to access all current 6 City of Heroes Private ServerS.
In my case, I'm currently using Tequila with the ThunderSpy manifest XML file as my City of Heroes Private Server launcher.
Of course, if you decided to download and use Creamsoda then you don't have to change any thing because Creamsoda uses the Thunderspy manifest XML file by default.
The links to where you can download Tequila or Creamsoda are in the description below. Also, running Tequila or Creamsoda for the first time will download the full game, City of Heroes, for you.
So guys, are you playing in any of the current 6 City of Heroes Private ServerS and if you are then which server did you choose?Post your answers as well as your comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below.
• Tequila →
• Creamsoda →
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