Almost Free Male Mesh Body Second Life • Altamura Max Bento Fullbody

Almost Free Male Mesh Body Second Life • Altamura Max Bento Fullbody
Not having a Mesh Body in Second Life will not affect your enjoyment of the game. In fact, the Classic Body is still the best because it's 100 percent FREE and you'll find hundreds if not thousands of Free Clothes to wear.Of course, if you want to upgrade your Avatar from having a Classic Body into a Mesh Body then you can do so without spending hundreds if not thousands of Linden Dollars.
For male Second Life Avatars, I just found a nice looking Almost Free Mesh Body for you. It's the Altamura Max Bento Fullbody and I found it at Ajuda SL Brazil.
If you're interested in getting the Altamura Max Bento Fullbody then all you have to do is teleport to Ajuda SL Brazil.
At the landing area, you'll find a sign showing the Altamura Max Bento Fullbody. Touching it will teleport you to the location of the Altamura Max Bento Fullbody vendor.
Just pay the Altamura Max Bento Fullbody vendor 1 Linden Dollar and the vendor system will immediately send you a copy of the Altamura Max Bento Fullbody.
After that, you can spend the rest of your time in Ajuda SL Brazil just looking for free clothes that will work with your new Altamura Max Bento Fullbody.
Again, if you're interested in getting the almost free Altamura Max Bento Fullbody then just go to Ajuda SL Brazil in Second Life. You'll find the link in the description of this video.
Anyway, if you have any comments, questions or reactions then please post them in the comments section below.
Also, if you're not yet in Second Life but you're interested in joining or trying it out then go to the official website, create a free account, download and install.
FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.
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