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500L$ Deluxe Mesh Body • No More Free Mesh Body #THEMESHPROJECT

500L$ Deluxe Mesh Body • No More Free Mesh Body #THEMESHPROJECT

500L$ Deluxe Mesh Body • No More Free Mesh Body #THEMESHPROJECT

Just recently, I went to the location of #TheMeshProject in Second Life to get a Free Mesh Body but I failed because I was extremely too late.

When I got there, I spent a few minutes just looking around and trying to find where I can find and get the Free Mesh Body.

When I failed to find and get it, I decided to ask for HELP using the LiveHelp found in the location and I found out the Free Mesh Body was discontinued.

I wanted to try out the Free Mesh Body first before spending Linden Dollars on a Paid Mesh Body but that was already impossible.

Instead of a Free Mesh Body, I decided to just get the Deluxe Mesh Body that was offered for sale for only 500 Linden Dollars.

I then spent over an hour getting Free Mesh Clothes and customizing both the Free Mesh Clothes and the Deluxe Mesh Body.

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I'm not sure if there are still any quality Free Mesh Bodies out there in Second Life but if you are looking for one then just save 500 Linden Dollars and get #TheMeshProject's Deluxe Mesh Body.

By the way, this is not a paid video for #TheMeshProject. I actually paid for the Deluxe Mesh Body that I got from their location in Second Life.

Anyway, that's it for this video and if you have any comments, questions or reactions then please post them in the comments section below.

Also, if you are interested in joining or trying out Second Life then create an account and download Second Life FREE.

FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.

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