Totally Free Male Mesh Body Second Life • Altamura Max Bento Fullbody

Totally Free Male Mesh Body Second Life • Altamura Max Bento Fullbody
A few hours ago, I talked about the Altamura Max Bento Fullbody and I said it was Almost FREE. Guess what, I was wrong.The Altamura Max Bento Fullbody found in Ajuda SL Brasil is totally FREE and here is how you can get it for FREE without even paying 1 Linden Dollar.
At the Altamura Max Bento Fullbody vendor in Ajuda SL Brasil, touch the vendor to open the vendor menu and, in the menu, choose Deliver.

The vendor system will deliver to you a copy of the Altamura Max Bento Fullbody without paying anything. Not even 1 Linden Dollar.
Unfortunately for me, I paid the Altamura Max Bento Fullbody vendor 1 Linden Dollar to get the item because, at that time, I didn't know it was possible to get the item for absolutely nothing.
Again guys, this is just an update to my earlier post or video about the Altamura Max Bento Fullbody item in Second Life.
You can still get the Altamura Max Bento Fullbody at Ajuda SL Brasil but, this time, don't pay the vendor anything because you can get it for FREE!
Anyway, if you have any comments, questions or reactions then please post them in the comments section below.
Also, if you're not yet in Second Life but you're interested in joining or trying it out then go to the official website, create a free account, download the Second Life client, install it, run it, login with your free account and have fun exploring a whole new world of possibilities.
FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.
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