Tree Of Savior SEA Varena Queue Was Over 800
Tree Of Savior SEA Varena Queue Was Over 800
Hey guys, today I'm going to share to you how far in queue I was when I tried to play in the SEA Varena server of Tree Of Savior.As you can see from the screenshot, my position in queue was 835. Seriously, I had to wait for a few minutes just to get into the game and play.
The worst part of the experience was not the waiting in queue but the very laggy game. It was suppose to be a SEA server but it doesn't feel like it.
It was very, very laggy. SEA Varena server was as laggy as Klaipeda and that kinda makes playing in SEA Varena server pointless when it comes to lag.
Anyway, I'm sure this waiting in queue will only last for one or two weeks because a lot of people are still trying out the game for the first time.
As soon as this initial influx of people subsides or when a lot of players stop playing after the first week, queuing or waiting in queue will no longer be a problem in Tree Of Savior.
So guys, how far in queue were you when you tried to play in the SEA Varena server of Tree Of Savior? Share your answers as well as your comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below.
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