Blade And Soul ★Chapter 9: Caught Off Guard ☆ Defeated Dusk Adder Elite Kusim
Blade and Soul Chapter 9: Caught Off Guard quest is another quest given by Gi Bongsa. One of the objectives of the quest is to defeat Dusk Adder Elite Kusim.
The objective of the quest was to defeat Dusk Adder Elite Kusim. My Blade Master was already inside the Dusk Adder Stronghold where Kusim was hiding. After beating a few Dusk Adder Bandits and Dusk Adder Guards, my Blade Master faced Kusim and defeated her.
My Blade Master picked up Wungsam's Letter after beating Kusim and went back to speak with Gi Bongsa who asked my Blade Master to go and warn Yigan about a potential attack on Bamboo Village.
Speaking with Yigan, my Blade Master learned that Yigan thinks there's a spy in Bamboo Village. Yigan also wants to stop Gi Bongsa from leaking the information to the spy because Gi Bongsa likes to talk too much.
The Chapter 9: Caught Off Guard quest ended and my Blade Master was rewarded with 8 Bronze and 520 Experience Points in Blade and Soul.
The objective of the quest was to defeat Dusk Adder Elite Kusim. My Blade Master was already inside the Dusk Adder Stronghold where Kusim was hiding. After beating a few Dusk Adder Bandits and Dusk Adder Guards, my Blade Master faced Kusim and defeated her.
My Blade Master picked up Wungsam's Letter after beating Kusim and went back to speak with Gi Bongsa who asked my Blade Master to go and warn Yigan about a potential attack on Bamboo Village.
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Speaking with Yigan, my Blade Master learned that Yigan thinks there's a spy in Bamboo Village. Yigan also wants to stop Gi Bongsa from leaking the information to the spy because Gi Bongsa likes to talk too much.
The Chapter 9: Caught Off Guard quest ended and my Blade Master was rewarded with 8 Bronze and 520 Experience Points in Blade and Soul.
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