Battlefield Hardline, Open Beta Extended, More Time, More Fun
Battlefield Hardline Beta Extended, now you'll have more time to enjoy the game FREE.
The open beta of Battlefield Hardline was supposed to end this Sunday, February 8, 2015 but a lot of you asked for an extension and you got it.
Battlefield Hardline Beta will stay online until Monday, February 9, 2015.
This will give many of you who haven't played Battlefield Hardline an extra 24 hours to enjoy the game for free.
By the way guys, Battlefield Hardline is not going to be a free game. It's only free this weekend because it's in Open Beta.
To continue playing Battlefield Hardline after this Open Beta, you will need to purchase the game and there is a link in the description of the video below where you can do just that.
Looking to get Battlefield Hardline, click here.
The open beta of Battlefield Hardline was supposed to end this Sunday, February 8, 2015 but a lot of you asked for an extension and you got it.
Battlefield Hardline Beta will stay online until Monday, February 9, 2015.
This will give many of you who haven't played Battlefield Hardline an extra 24 hours to enjoy the game for free.
By the way guys, Battlefield Hardline is not going to be a free game. It's only free this weekend because it's in Open Beta.
To continue playing Battlefield Hardline after this Open Beta, you will need to purchase the game and there is a link in the description of the video below where you can do just that.
Looking to get Battlefield Hardline, click here.
FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.
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