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Small Channel Spotlight, Brotacular13, 2/9/2015

Small Channel Spotlight is where I'll feature a small youtube channel like The Kabalyero Show so you guys can check it out and possibly give it some love.

In this blog post, my Small Channel Spotlight is on Brotacular13.

Brotacular13 is a growing YouTube channel. Currently, the channel gets 40 views and 2 subscribers a day.

The views maybe small but 2 subscribers a day is great specially if they are active subscribers.

The videos are fun to watch because the owner of the channel is a fun person and it shows in the videos.

He also obviously has good recording equipments which is way much better than mine.

Anyway, check out Brotacular13 in YouTube, watch a few of his videos and give him some love liking and subscribing.

As a small youtube channel, Brotacular13 is currently partnered with Tazer Gaming Network which is powered by Freedom!

If you have a small youtube channel like Brotacular13 that you want partnered with a YouTube Network then I suggest that you partner with Freedom!, click here to join.

FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.

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