Rakion Chaos Force, August 2014 Event Updates
Rakion Chaos Force is an old Multiplayer Online PvP Battle Arena game. I used to play it when it was still published by Mobius in the Philippines. In fact, I even spent money on the game to improve my character.
Unfortunately, Rakion in the Philippines closed but Philippine players can still play Rakion through the official Softnyx servers. If you're playing Rakion or looking to play Rakion then here are Rakion's Event Updates for the month of August, 2014.
Human Monster Creature Release!
To learn more about Rakion, simply go to the official Rakion website at http://rakion.softnyx.net.
Unfortunately, Rakion in the Philippines closed but Philippine players can still play Rakion through the official Softnyx servers. If you're playing Rakion or looking to play Rakion then here are Rakion's Event Updates for the month of August, 2014.
Human Monster Creature Release!
- New creature ‘Human Monster’ is updated. You can get it from Gacha ~!
- Check out status of creature possession and take advantage of various rewards.
- Creature Combo : Human Monster / Black Angel Knight / White Destroyer
- 5th Aug 2014, new set item, DragonKnight is updated.
- Special set for Dragon Knights. Don't Miss This!
- During the event period, play wearing the full set of DragonKnight . You will get +150% rewards.
- During the event period, Super Advanced Grade up item is on limited sale.
- Using this item, your item can get +2 graded up. Try out this special item now!
- You can now enjoy new way of playing stages. The Chaos Dungeon is updated. You can’t clear this playing solo! Play as a team to clear this!
- PU card will be back on sale during the event period.
- Create character during the event period and set a target level of the character. Once attaining target level, various items will be rewarded.
To learn more about Rakion, simply go to the official Rakion website at http://rakion.softnyx.net.
FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.
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