Luvinia World, Security Officer Harrod
Security Officer Harrod is an NPC or Non-Player Character in Luvinia World. I needed to find Security Officer Harrod to complete my quest called Break Time.
It was a very easy and simple quest. All I needed to do was to speak with Security Officer Harrod to complete it. The trick was finding where Security Officer Harrod was located but even that was extremely easy.
Luvinia World has this feature known as Auto-Route or Auto-Path in other massively multiplayer online roleplaying games (MMORPG). Activating it was very easy. All I had to do was click on Security Officer Harrod's name in the Quest List and my character automatically went to where Security Officer Harrod was standing.
Features like the Auto-Route or Auto-Path makes exploring in massively multiplayer online roleplaying games extremely easy.
Anyway, you can watch me find Security Officer Harrod using the Auto-Route or Auto-Path feature in Luvinia World by watching the YouTube video below. The video is Episode 2 of my Luvinia World Let's Play Series.
Learn more about Luvinia World at Luvinia World is a free-to-play anime-style fantasy themed massively multiplayer online roleplaying game published by SOA Games.
Guys, make sure you check it out. Thanks.
It was a very easy and simple quest. All I needed to do was to speak with Security Officer Harrod to complete it. The trick was finding where Security Officer Harrod was located but even that was extremely easy.
Luvinia World has this feature known as Auto-Route or Auto-Path in other massively multiplayer online roleplaying games (MMORPG). Activating it was very easy. All I had to do was click on Security Officer Harrod's name in the Quest List and my character automatically went to where Security Officer Harrod was standing.
Features like the Auto-Route or Auto-Path makes exploring in massively multiplayer online roleplaying games extremely easy.
Anyway, you can watch me find Security Officer Harrod using the Auto-Route or Auto-Path feature in Luvinia World by watching the YouTube video below. The video is Episode 2 of my Luvinia World Let's Play Series.
Learn more about Luvinia World at Luvinia World is a free-to-play anime-style fantasy themed massively multiplayer online roleplaying game published by SOA Games.
Guys, make sure you check it out. Thanks.
FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.
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