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Got The Robot Voice Pack For Free In Blacklight: Retribution

Free Robot Voice Pack From PWE

Recently, I received an e-mail from Perfect World Entertainment and it was about Blacklight: Retribution's latest patch which is the Dropzone patch. The e-mail contains information about the new update as well as a free code to redeem the Robot Voice Pack for FREE.

For those who don't play Blacklight: Retribution, this game has tons of customizable features and one of those is the Voice used by the character or player in-game. Before getting this Robot Voice Pack, my account has two free voices and they are the Default Voice and the Seananner's Voice.

Free Voice Packs In Blacklight Retribution

The voice that I was using was the Seananner's Voice but I immediately changed it to the Robot Voice as soon as I got it. The Robot Voice is kinda cool because now my character sounds like Soundwave from the old Transformers cartoon series.

My only complaint about the voice is the fact that it's inaudible. I can hear it in-game and it sounds cool but I can't understand anything that it says. It was like listening to a couple of Cylons (from Battlestar Galactica) talking with each other.

Check Your E-mail For The Code

Anyway, the Robot Voice Pack was a very cool gift by Perfect World Entertainment to all it's active and current Blacklight: Retribution players. If you haven't gotten it then I suggest that you check your e-mail account's inbox, trash and spam folders.

To hear how the Robot Voice sounds, simply watch and listen to the YouTube video below.

To learn more about Blacklight: Retribution, click here.

FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.

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