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Problem Running Crossfire Philippines

Recently, I downloaded and installed the Philippine game client of Crossfire. For those who are not familiar with Crossfire, it's a Free-To-Play multiplayer online first-person-shooter and it's published in the Philippines by GameClub.

From what I could understand from the official website, the game has two factions fighting each other. The Global Risk and Black List mercenary group or organizations. The game also has several characters to choose from like the SWAT and GSG9 and it has a good selection of maps to play on.

Crossfire also has plenty of Game Modes to choose from like the very common Team Deathmatch and Free For All also known as Single or Solo Deathmatch. Other game modes include Destruction Match and Wipe Out.

Playing Crossfire is easy because the controls are very similar to other multiplayer online FPS like Counter-Strike and Blacklight: Retribution. The thing is, if you've played an FPS before then you won't have any problems playing Crossfire.

My Problem Running Crossfire

For some reason, I can't seem to make my installed copy of Crossfire run or load. It will just display the game's Splash Page or Splash Screen and that's it. Nothing happens after that. I've tried running it as an Administrator, in Windows XP (Service Pack 2) and Windows XP (Service Pack 3) compatibilities.

I've uninstalled it and re-installed twice and it still wouldn't run. I checked the official forum for answers or solutions but I couldn't seem to find any. I want to play the game to see if it's a good first-person-shooter but I can't because I'm only getting the Splash Page or Splash Screen of the game.

Here is a YouTube video of my problem running Crossfire Philippines.

Should I Still Continue Trying To Play Crossfire?

There's really no other reason not to continue trying. The game looks interesting and, even though, I'm not a very good FPS player, I still enjoy playing them.

Anyway, you can check out Crossfire Philippines at By the way, if you have a solution to this problem then please post it as a comment below. Thanks.

FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.


  1. sa netcafe na nilalaruan ko madaming cheaters na players

  2. 1 week nko d nakapaglaro ng CF. ganyan din nangyayari sakin.

  3. have you resolved your issue?

  4. kahit sken gnyan. pano maayos to? pls comment nman o.

  5. try opening the patchercf2 at the file location


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