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Neverwinter Launcher Not Working

When I first tried to play Neverwinter when its Open Beta started, the launcher wasn't working. It was giving me this weird error, "The patchclient got a message while it was in a state with no response function". I had no idea what it meant but it was preventing me from playing the game.

Fortunately, this particular error wasn't new because this error also happens regularly with Cryptic Studios' other games namely Champions Online and Star Trek Online. It's also very very easy to fix.

If you are seeing this error with your Neverwinter game launcher then all you have to do is replace your existing copy of the file called neverwinter.exe with a new one.

Where To Get A New Neverwinter.exe File?

To get a new neverwinter.exe file, all you have to do is click on this link, As you can see, this file is hosted in Perfect World Entertainment's (PWE) server so downloading it is safe.

By the way, the neverwitner.exe file in PWE's download server is always updated to the latest version. In the future, if you encounter this error again, "The patchclient got a message while it was in a state with no response function", then all you have to do is download the updated file in PWE's server and replace your copy.

Are You Playing Neverwinter?

I'm not very familiar with Dungeons & Dragons nor have I played Neverwinter Nights before but that didn't stop me from playing and enjoying Cryptic Studio's Neverwinter.

Let us explore the City of Neverwinter together. Click here to learn more about Neverwinter.

Post your comments about this particular error below or you can discuss it in the forum.

FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.


  1. You will also find this information in the forum as well as solutions on other launcher related errors.


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