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Virtual World of Kaneva

The Virtual World of Kaneva is a virtual world where people can meet other virtual worlders, build communities and hangouts, create content and showcase their creativity and best of all have fun.
Kaneva members create the digital version of themselves — avatars — and then meet up in a vibrant, 3D world based on the modern day. Every Kaneva member gets a Kaneva City Loft — their own 3D space — that they can decorate and furnish in their unique style. You can bring your favorite videos, photos, music, and games, and watch them on your 3D televisions. You can invite friends to hang out in your 3D home or meet up in any of Kaneva’s public spaces and chat in real-time. You can shop for the latest fashions or home decor, chat, dance, play games, watch TV and movies, and come back again and again to explore and have fun in an ever evolving world full of exciting people, places and entertainment. - Source: Kaneva

The reason I joined Kaneva is because, just like with Second Life, it allows me to create and build my own stuff in-world. I also like the fact that Kaneva has a very low system requirements which makes it ideal for those with older computers because not everyone can afford a $2,000 machine.

Another nice feature of Kaneva is that it has its own Facebook like community website. Users who don't feel like logging in to the virtual world can still communicate with their friends through the community website. The community website is also integrated with the virtual world itself since content like images, patterns, music, videos and others are uploaded and shared through the community website.

For developers, Kaneva is also a platform where virtual worlds applications can be created from. Examples of in-world applications or games created using Kaneva are Pet Paradise and Harvest Time. Those interested in developing applications using Kaneva should visit

Below are some images or pictures from Kaneva.



Want to give the Virtual World of Kaneva a try? Visit their website and sign-up for an account, it's FREE!

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