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Blacklight: Retribution Launcher Stopped Running

For some reason, my Blacklight: Retribution launcher stopped running. Double clicking on the Blacklight: Retribution icon does nothing. I know that it's trying to run because it's in the Task Manager but it just stays there as if it was stuck or something.

Blacklight: Retribution Launcher Stopped Launching

I tried to run it many times but all my tries resulted to nothing. The program just stays in the Task Manager without doing anything and the only way to stop it is by ending its process. If I don't end its process then it will just stay there doing nothing except waste memory and CPU process.

Blacklight: Retribution Launcher Stopped Running

Running the launcher of Blacklight: Retribution is very important because the uses it to patch or update itself. I could run the game by directly running BLR.exe but if there's an update then it wouldn't get me anywhere. The game will just ask me to run the launcher so it could patched itself.

This problem with my Blacklight: Retribution launcher is stopping me from playing the game. I've searched the internet for possible solutions but none of the solutions that I found worked for me. In the end, the only thing I could do was delete or uninstall the game.

Currently, I'm downloading the latest game client from the publisher. I'm hoping that reinstalling the latest client of Blacklight: Retribution will fix my launcher problem. It will finish in a few hours or days depending on the download speed. LOL!

My Character In Blacklight: Retribution

By the way, if any of you have a solution for this problem then please don't hesitate to post it as a comment below. I have tried those that I found in the internet without success. T_T

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  1. Hope I can help you with this, I don't know how to solve this kind of a problem in gaming.

  2. I do remember experiencing similar situations like this and at times I just try restarting or reinstalling.

  3. Nice games you play buddy. I am a fan of shooting games but haven;t played this kind of game. I need a gaming computer for this.

  4. ouch! sorry to hear that bro! why not try asking to gamers just like you?>

  5. Yikes, bro! I can't help you with this. The most game I play in a day is HayDay. hahah!

  6. My brother would def love to try that game. As for me, I dont think I can ever play games like that. HAHA :D Hope you resolve it asap!

  7. I hope by this time, it's been resolved! Enjoy gaming!!

  8. I hope my son who is a game adik can figure out a solution. Basta raw gusto ng laro may paraan. LOL

  9. Sometimes there are uncompability of plugins
    sometimes some plugins when the are mixed together , one or two sometimes all stop runing , i have embed code games ( 4) they was working fine , i instaled some more plugins now stop work , i need figure one by one untill found what plugin are making that issue , if i found a solution i will tell you , good luck Bro.


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