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Mercenary Online Philippines, It's Fun and It's FREE

I don't often play locally published Multiplayer Online Games because most them are not very interesting to play. Yesterday, I chanced upon Mercenary Online Philippines and, after going through the official website, I decided to give it a try.

Mercenary Online is published in the Philippines by a company called Massive Gaming. It's a multiplayer online third-person-shooting game and it's free-to-play. Downloading the game client took me a couple of hours but it only took me a couple of minutes to install the game and create a new account.

As a new player, I was greeted by a tutorial but since I'm already familiar with shooting games, both third-person and first-person, I just went as quickly as possible through it. Going through the tutorial was a nice experience because it immediately showed me what to expect from the game.

Mercenary Online has both PVP and PVE modes but I've only played in a few PVE matches or Co-Op matches and they were a lot of fun. I particularly enjoy going against zombies in survival mode because it was kinda creepy specially in the hospital area.

Unfortunately, I didn't do well in any of the matches I played. I died a lot and was forced to auto-leave often because I didn't have any revival thingy with me.

Anyway, I still have a long way to go in learning how the game is truly played. I'm sure I'll get better at it if I play it often and I will continue playing it but I don't think I can devote that much time for it because I'm already playing a lot of games.

Mercenary Online is a fun game. I enjoyed playing it and I'm sure you'll enjoy playing it as well.

P.S. This is not a paid post. I played the game and truly enjoyed every minute of it. He he he!

FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.


  1. Ill tell you ,. i have tried so many games before but i think it is just not for me . from the very start of the game my character dies all the time ... may be guns even in computer games give be a breakdown.

    1. I love playing games (specially the free ones) and I enjoy blogging about them... by the way, I'm not a very good player... hehehehe

    2. You seem very passionate about blogging about the online games that you're playing! admire you.. admire you!! :)

  2. PVE, PVP, third-person and first-person shooting? I had to go leave for a second there and get some tissues to wipe my bleeding nose, LOL. Seriously, the closest ever encounter I had with a shooting game was Counter Strike. :D

    1. Counter-Strike is a first-person shooter, you see the world in the character's eyes... This is a third-person shooter, you see the world behind the character...

  3. It looks like a really fun role playing game and glad that its free. Will try this.

  4. i don't have a lot of experience on shooting games the only pc game i played clsoe tot that is counter strike! I still play it to kill the time sometimes :D

    I didn't know pinoys can produce a game like that, no offense but i rarely know any game from us. or maybe i am not that inclined to it as you guys are :D well anyways I'm sure a lot of guys would love to play this game.

    1. I don't think pinoys made this game... like most games, they're just published or released by a local publisher :D

  5. im sure my brother would love this... as for me parati akong nahihilo sa mga ganitong games... i think it becuase of my vertgo... i tried to play counter strike only to find my self lying on the bed for more than an hour.... so now im stuck with 2D games =(

  6. so you are a gamer ... I was once few years back ... I am over it hehehe ...

  7. Unlike traditional video games where one had to seat alone in front of a
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    other online players.

  8. was a gamer before but my account was hacked and wasn't able to play...does mercenary online still exists and how can i download again?


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