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MMORPG Sweat Shop Opened

A MMORPG Sweat Shop just opened in our area. The name sweat shop really boggles my mind because I don't think you'll ever break a sweat working in one of them. Why? They are fully airconditioned! Ha ha ha!

Anyway, I first got the news about it from my nephews and there were some posters posted around the area. They tried to apply but they were told that they were only accepting girls but that later changed. Gender was no longer a problem but you must be at a certain age to apply.

Here are some information which I was able to gather:

  • It seems that the business is located inside a house and are operated by Koreans
  • They are hiring onlinegamers at the age of 17 to 24 years old
  • Work is by shift and it's 12 hours per shift
  • Workers are paid 100 pesos a day (more or less $2 per day)
  • The place is fully airconditioned with top of the line gaming rigs

My thoughts: 17 is still a minor here in the Philippines and minors need a special working permit from the Department of Social Welfare. If they don't have such a permit from DSWD and they have minors working for them then their operation is illegal. 100 pesos per day is way, way, way, way beyond minimum salary and a 12 hour work shift without overtime pay is also illegal.

At first glance, you'll immediately know that the business is operating illegally. I guess they paid off some local government official to be able to put up a shop.

The problem here in the Philippines is that laws are very weakly and are very poorly implemented specially in many provinces. Corruption is very high even in the highest goverment offices. So, it's not suprising to see foreign businessmen to open up businesses that doesn't comply with existing laws. SAD but TRUE!

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