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DEICIDE - My first 5 levels!

I've downloaded, installed and played Deicide Online. Registration and client download is fast and easy so you wouldn't have any problems with it.

I've played Deicide Online upto level 5 before going to bed last night and here are some of my initial observation about the game.

  • Graphics. Deicide's graphics is not that ground breaking but it's not ugly either. You could say it's at par with the many Free 2 Play MMORPGs out there. Also, this is understandable since they're still developing the game and it's only in it's open beta. I do like the ability to play in 16 bit mode. People with lower-end machines may be able to play this game.

  • Sounds. Deicide's sound effects and music is good but not excellent. I felt that some of the skills sounded like coming from an Arcade game. The BGM, well... I need to listen to it more I guess.

  • Gameplay. One major thing I notice about Deicide Online is it's class system. Your class depends on the skill you constantly use. There are 4 types of skill and they are Close, Ranged, Dark and White Magic. There are other features that are listed on the official site but I haven't experienced them yet so I cannot discuss it here. During my first 5 levels of play I did not find any Quest or Missions or any story element in the game. I love doing Quests, specially those that are part of a main plot or story and not finding any during my first 5 levels made me feel a little bit disappointed. There isn't much in-game help. Pressing H will just display the Keyboard's layout although you get a fairylike companion that will constantly fill your chat box with messages until level 10. I guess that's there newbie guide or something.

    During my first 5 levels of play I did not find any Quest or Missions or any story element in the game. I love doing Quests, specially those that are part of a main plot or story and not finding any during my first 5 levels made me feel a little bit disappointed.

    There isn't much in-game help. Pressing H will just display the Keyboard's layout although you get a fairylike companion that will constantly fill your chat box with messages until level 10. I guess that's there newbie guide or something.

  • Controls. Deicide has some control issues like left clicking to select the monster and then right clicking to attack it. Why not just double left click on it? I believe this will be resolve soon. Also, combat feels slow, maybe it's because of the slow animation or the delay in executing each attack but it feels slow.

  • GUI.The GUI also has some issues and it closely resembles the interface of Khan Online (atleast it feels that way to me). Arrggghhh!!! The text is horrible but I read in the forum that it'll be resolved soon.

Other Stuff

There are still more to explore in Deicide Online and I'm only at level 5 maybe as I gain more experience and levels playing this game I'll be able to discover more good and bad stuff about this game.

By the way, I believe Deicide Online is Free 2 Play so it wouldn't hurt if we can give this game a try. Let's support Free 2 Play games like this.

Visit DEICIDE - The War Against Evil...

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