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NoScope Gaming Glasses ★ Logo In APB Reloaded

What the crap is happening? NoScope Gaming Glasses invades APB: Reloaded?

Well, not really! The truth is NoScope Gaming Glasses is currently running a contest / giveaway where you can win a pair of HYDRA Gaming Glasses.

NoScope HYRA Gaming Glasses

What you have to do to enter this contest / giveaway is to simply submit your best rendition of the NoScope logo in the game of your choice to NoScope by Tweeting it to them.

In my case, I recreated the NoScope logo the best I can in APB: Reloaded using the game's Symbol Designer and painted it on wall in the game.

I also edited and re-customized my Van in APB: Reloaded and applied the recreated NoScope logo on it. Now, my Van in APB: Reloaded is called the NoScope Van.

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So guys, if you are interested in getting a chance of winning a pair of NoScope HYDRA Gaming Glasses then check out this contest / giveaway by NoScope Gaming Glasses.

I've already shown you what I did in APB: Reloaded using my very limited designing skills but I'm sure you guys can do much better. (Link: NoScope Contest / Giveaway)

So guys, do you think I have a chance of winning a pair of NoScope HYDRA Gaming Glasses or not? Share your answers as well as your comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below.

FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.

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