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There Will Be Bloody Jiangshi Quest » Charms For Moyong Jung In Blade And Soul

There Will Be Bloody Jiangshi was a quest given by Moyong Jung to my character in Moonshade Cemetery in Blade And Soul.

Moyong Jung needed to examine the charms on the head of the Bloody Jiangshis that were roaming around Moonshade Cemetery and my character was more than happy to assists him.

By examining the charms, Moyong Jung would know who caused the Bloody Jiangshis to appear and he would also know how to send them to where they should go.

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My character immediately went down the hill and started hunting down Bloody Jiangshis. He needed to gather 8 charms from these Bloody Jiangshis and he was able to complete or gather them all quickly.

After gathering 8 charms from Bloody Jiangshis, my character immediately run back to where Moyong Jun is located and gave Moyong Jung the charms.

Completing this quest, There Will Be Bloody Jiangshi, awarded my character with 540 experience points.

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