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Where Is My Dog Of War Veteran Reward Pack?

Last October 30 of this year, Blacklight: Retribution announced its Dog Of War Veteran Reward Pack. This particular pack is awarded to agents or players that achieved 4 of the following:
  • Participated in the Blacklight: Retribution closed beta
  • 1500+ kills
  • 200+ matches played
  • Reached level 25+
  • Transferred 2000 ZEN to the Blacklight servers
I know that I've played in more than 200 matches since Open Beta and I have the hundreds of hours in Raptr and STEAM to prove that. The same goes with getting over 1,500 kills and I'm already Level 40. Unfortunately, I didn't participated in the Close Beta and I haven't transferred 2000 ZEN yet when this reward pack was announced.

Where is my Dog Of War Veteran Reward Pack?

In order for me to get at least 4 of the 5 tasks listed above, I bought $20 USD worth of ZEN, which is 2,000 ZEN, and transferred it to my Blacklight: Retribution account. I knew it won't get counted because I did it after the November 13, 2012 deadline.

Each month for the foreseeable future, on the thirteenth we will pull files and track which agents have completed these objectives. Should a new agent have done so, that agent will be granted veteran Dog of War status and the appropriate rewards.

Fortunately, the Dog Of War Veteran Reward Pack is an on-going process. On the 13th of each month, accounts will undergo a check to see if they meet the criteria. If Perfect World Entertainment is true to their words then the latest check happened on December 13, 2012 but, if that was the case then, where is my Dog Of War Veteran Reward Pack?

The Dog Of War Veteran Reward Pack contains the following items:
  • Veteran War Mask [Taunt]
  • Weapon Camo – Veteran
  • Body Camo – Veteran
  • Weapon Tag – Golden Zombie Girl
  • Title – Dog of War
Seriously? Do I really need to contact PWE's Support to get my Dog Of War Veteran Reward Pack? Why can't PWE just give it to me as promised?

FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.


  1. You spent money just for this dog game. You are tking the games seriously.Yes, you better contact PWE's Support to get you Dog Of War Veteran Reward Pack. you need follow up on this.

    1. LOL! It's not a dog game. It's an online first-person-shooting game. :)

  2. Nice! another war game, But still I need to finish my Halo game first.

  3. Super game you have here sir Romelo. Spending time playing with this game need a reward. Better contact RETRIBUTION for this.

    1. Retribution is part of the game's name. I need to contact PWE or Perfect World Entertainment which is the publisher of the game Blacklight: Retribution. :)

  4. You're a true blooded gamer! Spending real money to obtain virtual money.

  5. Right now I am into Call of Duty XBOX. As to your rewards I hope they give what you deserve.

  6. Maybe your dog of war reward is just in transit and I'm sure the delay of receiving it will excite you even more. :)

    1. Unfortunately, it's not in transit because, according to the publisher, it hasn't checked the accounts for the month of December...

  7. try to wait few more days but if you can't wait anymore, I think you need to contact PWE as soon as possible so you can get your money back.

  8. Oooohhh, more games. Will recommend this to the bf because he loves war games XD

  9. nice reading matters on games , i always recommend these games to my son! He do war games , i just watch him :)

  10. I hope you get the reward pack. You spent $20 for that!

  11. REminds me of my younger brothers who are so into games like this. Not sure though if they play Dog of War Veteran.

    I hope you receive your reward as promised.

    1. LOL! Dog of War Veteran is the name of the Reward Pack. The name of the game is Blacklight: Retribution. :)

  12. Best to contact ASAP so you'll get your results. $20 is $20.

  13. If you're asking why, I can give you a list of answers :) Beta tests which promise rewards can sometimes take YEARS to give what they initially promise - this happens because the Beta is a financial failure (but they won't admit that) and the money either needs to go to salaries or for development. Good luck, man.

    1. Unfortunately, this is not part of the Beta Test. Like me, most players spent $20 to get the reward pack so they should at least be true to their words and check the accounts as scheduled and send the rewards to those that meet the requirements. :)

  14. so not many people know that the game is blacklight retribution and they think the game is dog of war. the dog of war is the pack with the super shiny camo and stuff. the game is blacklight retribution

    1. LOL! They just didn't read the post. They based their comments on the title which mentioned Dog Of War and created a comment from that. ^_^


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