Fishing For Clothes At SN@TCH CITY [4/13/2022] - Second Life (Metaverse / PlayToEarn)
My avatar spent some time in the #PlayToEarn #Metaverse known as #SecondLife fishing for clothes at Sn@tch City. This was possible because of 7Seas Fishing and it's feature where you can add your own items as catchable fish even if your items are not fish.
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My avatar fishing for clothes was not the first time it happened. I've taken my avatar to Sn@tch many times to fish for clothes and a lot of clothes were fished out. What did I do with the clothes? I guess I placed them inside an item giver or something like that when I was still renting land in Second Life.
Sn@tch is a clothing brand in the play to earn metaverse known as Second Life. I'm not sure if it's a big brand or a popular brand because I'm not really into fashion but it has it's own region which means the business is earning linden dollars in Second Life.
Remember, Linden Dollars is almost as good as cash because you can exchange it back to US Dollars but that's not what this post is about. LOL!
This post is about fishing for clothes, female clothes and all you need to do is grab a 7Seas Fishing Rod. If you can't afford the PRO version then the cheaper Casual version is fine. Teleport to Sn@tch City, find the fishing area, start casting and it will take time but you will absolutely catch some clothes.
Anyway, that's it for this gameplay and if you have any comments, questions, reactions or suggestion then post them in the comments section.
FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.
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