Run Chris Run 01.13.2022b Gameplay - Run Away To Survive
In this Run Chris Run gameplay, my character ran away from pursuers. Getting caught means game over. Download and play Run Chris Run for free »
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Running away is perfectly fine specially if there is danger around. If you feel you are in danger then run the other way.
If you are confronted by a force that is too powerful for you then it's okay to ran away. Go and ran away to survive and fight another day.
In Run Chris Run, running away is the name of the game but, unfortunately, there is no running away and there is no escape for Sir Chris Spike.
Anyway, watch my gameplay video to find out more.
Run Chris Run is a super simple game. In this game, players control Sir Chris Spike, a world renowned hero and adventurer who promised a world full of fun, wonders and excitement but failed to deliver. Take control, avoid the angry people and see how long you can survive.
Anyway, that's it for this gameplay and if you have any comments, questions, reactions or suggestion then post them in the comments section.
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