New World Lost So Many Players In Just Two Months! WOW! (Gaming)
New World had almost 1 million players playing but that was two months ago. New World is still hitting over 100,000 players and still has more players than Shroud of the Avatar.
New World Lost So Many Players In Just Two Months! WOW!
When Amazon Games released New World, it came out blazing HOT, reaching over 900,000 players in Steam. New World even beat CSGO with most players playing online.
That was a little over 2 months ago.
As of the writing and recording of this video, New World had over 64,000 players playing with a 24 hour peak of over 145,000 players.
As you can see, New World lost a very large number of players in just two months but, the good news is, New World still has significantly more players than Shroud of the Avatar.
So guys, are any of you still playing New World? If you are then why are you still playing it? Post you answers as well as your comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below.
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