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Mortal Online 2 Now Has Fishing, Latest Beta Patch (Gaming)

Mortal Online 2 Now Has Fishing, Latest Beta Patch (Gaming)

Mortal Online 2 released a new Beta Patch and it came with a video as always. The New Beta Patch revealed fishing in Mortal Online 2.

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Mortal Online 2 just announced a new Beta Patch. I got the e-mail and it had a video of the new Beta Patch subtitled Fishing, Morin Khur Expansion, New Boss and Dungeon.

In the new Beta Patch, you'll get to fly through an Eastern themed town and through some hallways where you'll eventually meet someone with a fishing pole on his back.

After that, you'll find yourself fishing on a dock and catch a fish in the process as you are transported to different locations while fishing.

The Beta Patch video ended by showing a couple of docks as fast as it can before exploding into a flash of light that turned into the Star Vault logo.

Anyway, that was the latest Beta Patch video from Mortal Online 2. If you wish to learn more about the latest Beta Patch then open DuckDuckGo in your browser and search for Mortal Online 2.

So guys, is fishing something that will get you excited for Mortal Online 2? Post you answers as well as your comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below.

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