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How To Enter Mercer Frey's Home / House In Riften (Gaming)

How To Enter Mercer Frey's Home / House In Riften (Gaming)

Skyrim ( - A quick "how to" on entering Mercer Frey's home in Riften. Entering or breaking in to Mercer Frey's home is one of the objectives of the Thieves Guild The Pursuit quest.

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Recently, I just completed a quest under the Thieves Guild story line called The Pursuit. I've already completed the Thieves Guild story a few times already but I'm doing it again because I re-started the game with a new Dragonborn.

In the Thieves Guild quest, The Pursuit, one of the objectives was to Infiltrate Mercer Frey's Home in Riften which was a very easy objective for a thief.

Using the quest marker as I guide, I easily found Mercer Frey's home and acquired the key to Mercer Frey's home from Vald who was guarding Mercer Frey's home without conflict or bloodshed. 

With the key to Mercer Frey's home in-hand, I tried entering Mercer Frey's home through the back and front door but failed because both doors were blocked from the inside.

There was another door to Mercer Frey's home but it was located at the second floor of Mercer Frey's home and the only way to get there was to use a ramp.

The problem was, the ramp was at an upright position. To bring the ramp down, I shot the bottom part or the underside of the ramp with an arrow.

Using the ramp and the key from Vald, I entered Mercer Frey's home and completed the quest objective.

So guys, did any of encounter any problems during this part of the Thieves Guild The Pursuit quest? Post you answers as well as your comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below.

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