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Watch My Dragonborn FALL FLAT On The Ground Many Times In Volunruud! (Modded Skyrim Special Edition)

Watch My Dragonborn FALL FLAT On The Ground Many Times In Volunruud! (Modded Skyrim Special Edition)

In this Modded Skyrim Special Edition gameplay, my Dragonborn traveled to Volunruud to start the next Dark Brotherhood quest. Along the way, the encountered bandits and fell down on the ground many times. The same thing happened in Volunruud but, instead of Bandits, it was Knevel and the Draugrs.


The next part of my characters Dark Brotherhood quest did not automatically start. Instead, I'm taking him to the next quest location which is Volunruud to, hopefully, trigger the start of the next quest.

On the way to Volunruud, my character encountered a large group of bandits and FELL flat on the ground many times. To help my character, I summoned her followers Uthgerd and Jenassa and the bandits were eventually cleared.

In Volunruud, my character triggered a side quest and it's a side quest to put down Knevel. I have no idea who Knevel was but the game wants him taken out and so my character and I did.

After fumbling around Volunruud, my character finally found Amaund Motierre. My character talked to Motierre and received the items from Motierre but it did not activate or trigger the next Dark Brotherhood quest.

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