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Ultima Online (MobileUO) [EP 7] CRAFTING BOXES & CRATES | Let's Play

Ultima Online (MobileUO) [EP 7] CRAFTING BOXES & CRATES | Let's Play

MobileUO - the first mobile client for Ultima Online! MobileUO runs on iOS & Android and enables you to play UO on the go.

In this Ultima Online MobileUO let's play / gameplay:

The Ultima Online server was UO Renaissance and the client was MobileUO, I spent the hour chopping down trees and crafting.

The items I crafted were crates and boxes. I crafted both small and large crates and boxes. Crafting crates and boxes helped train or level up my carpentry skills.

Yes, MobileUO had an Assistant but I don't know how to create awesome and really useful macros. I was only able to create super easy macros only a noob can make.

MobileUO is free. Free to download, install and play. Get MobileUO from GooglePlay and Apple AppStore. Also, visit IndieGala for more amazing games at super low prices (

FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.

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