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Let's Play League of Valhalla 🎮 Shadowdancer Character Customization

Let's Play League of Valhalla 🎮 Shadowdancer Character Customization

LoV: League of Valhalla is an autoplay mobile mmorpg inspired by Norse Mythology. It has great looking graphics and stunning character designs. Play League of Valhalla on your PC using a free android emulator like LDPlayer (

In this League of Valhalla gameplay, I created a character in League of Valhalla, an autoplay mobile mmorpg.

Character customization in LoV: League of Valhalla is very simple. I only had to choose from 2 hairstyles, a few hair colors and a few skin tones.

Well, League of Valhalla is still early access. Maybe, the final or released version will have more options to choose from and not gender locked.

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